We are pleased to announce the launch of a brand new event: Clinical Data Management Innovation Europe 2024.
This event has been exclusively designed for cutting-edge clinical data and analytics leaders in Europe, and will focus on designing your clinical data strategy, leveraging data analytics to maximize the use of your data, and using data effectively when preparing for regulatory submission. Topics will include working with sites to make data entry and collection as easy as possible, the uses of real world evidence, and understanding the European regulatory environment surrounding clinical data.
Co-located with our brand new Clinical Trials in Rare Diseases Europe conference, we will also include sessions on using limited data sets in rare disease and orphan drug trials, and how to make your data work for you in trials with reduced numbers of participants.
We look forward to seeing you there!
The programme will feature a range of speakers from the likes of Bristol Myers Squib, Otsuka, Cerevel Therapeutics, Merck, Daiichi Sankyo and many more, who through a variety of interactive session formats will offer insight on promoting successful clinical data management.